Fruitland United Methodist Church
May 30, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. Prelude: Welcome and Announcements Interlude: Welcoming the Light of Christ and inviting the neighborhood to worship CALL TO WORSHIP Calling Song: As the Deer TFWS #2025 As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you. You alone are my strength, my shield; to you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you. RESPONSIVE READING: Leader: Holy Spirit of God, invisible like the wind, we do not see you moving among us, but the effect we see. Come to our hearts. People: That we may be renewed and reborn. Leader: Open our minds. People: That we may perceive your kingdom. Leader: Lift up our eyes to where the cross of Christ stands for our healing. All: So may we believe, and in believing not die, but have eternal life: through Him who in your love for us you send into the world, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen *Unison Prayer Blow, wind of God, blow away the tight rules that hold me back from trusting, risking, loving. Blow away my sin that stands in the way of encountering my neighbors. Ready me for birth. Prepare me for risk. Equip me with courage and vision for the new thing that waits around the corner. We cannot choose the stories we have inherited but we can choose the stories we become. Amen. Old Testament Reading: Psalm 29 and Isaiah 6:1-8 New Testament Reading: Romans 8:4-7 and John 3:1-17 God’s Word for God’s People. Thanks be to God! OFFERATORY DOXOLOGY UMH #95 Praise God, from whom all blessing flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Congregational Prayer and Lord’s Prayer MESSAGE ‘Heirs of God’ John 3: 1-17 *Commitment Hymn Holy God, We Praise Thy Name UMH #79 Holy God, we praise they name; Lord of all, we bow before thee; all on earth they scepter claim; all in heaven above adore thee. Infinite thy vast domain; ever lasting is thy reign. Hark, the glad celestial hymn angel choirs above are raising; cherubim and seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising, fill the heavens with sweet accord: Holy, holy, holy Lord. Thou didst take the sting from death, Son of God, as Savior given; on the cross they dying breath opened wide the realm of heaven. In the glory of that land thou art set at God’s right hand. Unison Benediction May the peace of the Lord Jesus go with you wherever he may send you. May he guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm. May he bring you home rejoicing at the wonders he has shown you. May he bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors. Postlude: Thank you for Worshiping with us today! (CCLI License #1552544) Have a Blessed Week!
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February 2025