Fruitland United Methodist Church
October 23, 2022 Prelude Welcoming the Light of Christ and inviting the neighborhood to worship -Preparing our hearts and souls for worship- Welcome and Announcements - Pastor * Call to Worship - “God of Grace and God of Glory” UMH #577 (verses 1&4) *Responsive Reading - Liturgist Psalm: 65 UMH Page 789 Prayer of Invocation: Liturgist Lord our God, you yourself remind us through your holy people that all our religious practices are not worth anything if we use them to bend you our way. God, may we come to you in humility and repentance, ready to encounter you in love and to turn your way. Accept us as your sons and daughters, together with Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord forever. Amen Scripture Reading - Liturgist Luke 18: 9-14 Pew Bible – Page 1628-9 God’s Word for God’s People. Thanks be to God! Congregational Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Young People’s Moment - Pastor Hymn “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” UMH #297 We Offer Our Gifts Offertory *Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH #95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Offering Prayer Message “Humbleness Before God” - Pastor *Hymn “Amazing Grace” UMH #378 (verses 1-4) *Benediction “God Be with You till We Meet Again” UMH #672 God be with you till we meet again; By his counsels guide, uphold you, with his sheep securely fold you; God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet at Jesus' feet; till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. Postlude (Please be seated) - Symbolically taking the light into the World - Thank you for worshiping with us today!
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December 2024