Fruitland United Methodist Church September 18, 2022 Prelude Welcoming the Light of Christ and inviting the neighborhood to worship -Preparing our hearts and souls for worship Welcome and Announcements - Pastor *Call to Worship - “Come Christians Join To Sing” UMH #158 (vs. 1-2) Come, Christians, join to sing: Alleluia! Amen! loud praise to Christ our King: Alleluia! Amen! Let all, with heart and voice, before his throne rejoice; praise is his gracious choice. Alleluia! Amen! Come, lift your hearts on high: Alleluia! Amen! Let praises fill the sky: Alleluia! Amen! He is our guide and friend; to us he’ll condescend; his love shall never end: Alleluia! Amen! *Responsive Reading - Liturgist Psalm: 4 UMH Page 741 *Affirmation of Faith - Liturgist A Statement of Faith of the Korean Methodist Church UMH #884 We believe in the one God, creator and sustainer of all things, Father of Nations, the source of all goodness and beauty, all truth and love. We believe in Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, our teacher, example, and Redeemer, the Savior of the world. We believe in the Holy Spirit, God present with us for guidance, for comfort, and for strength. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, in the life of love and prayer, and in grace equal to every need. We believe in the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments as the sufficient rule both of faith and of practice. We believe in the Church, those who are united in the living Lord for the purpose of worship and service. We believe in the reign of God as the divine will realized in human society, and in the family of God, where we are all brothers and sisters. We believe in the final triumph of righteousness, and in the life everlasting. Amen. Scripture Reading - Liturgist 1 Tim 2:1-7 Pew Bible – Page 1846 God’s Word for God’s People. Thanks be to God! Congregational Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Hymn “Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know” UMH #163 Ask ye what great thing I know, that delights and stirs me so? What the high reward I win? Whose the name I glory in? Jesus Christ, the crucified. Who defeats my fiercest foes? Who consoles my saddest woes? Who revives my fainting heart, healing all its hidden smart? Jesus Christ, the crucified. Who is life in life to me? Who the death of death will be? Who will place me on his right, with the countless hosts of light? Jesus Christ, the crucified. This is that great thing I know; this delights and stirs me so: faith in him who died to save, him who triumphed o'er the grave: Jesus Christ, the crucified. We Offer Our Gifts Offertory *Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH #95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Offering Prayer Young People’s Moment - Pastor Message “Learning About God Through Worship” - Pastor Hymn “Blessed Assurance” UMH #369 *Benediction “God Be with You till We Meet Again” UMH #672 God be with you till we meet again; By his counsels guide, uphold you, with his sheep securely fold you; God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet at Jesus' feet; till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again Postlude (Please be seated) - Symbolically taking the light into the World - Thank you for worshiping with us today! (CCLI License #1552544)
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September 2024